its been a minute since i last posted. and yes, the Kimball House is moving the technological arc forward and posting under new and improved means. so expect more from me.
I feel it an obligation to communicate the events of the last big night.
If you ever wondered what the hell a Paragoyle is (a term thrown around loosely in our home) i'll go ahead and fill you in now.
Now, as if that was as good as it could possibly be. consider the paragoyle with armor. This need arose after the invite of Brad and Andreas new mop. they call it Tiny. the paragoyle likes to hump its face. I, personally wish to dye it clear so i dont have to deal with it. Tiny has recently decided to fight back. How a mop can fend for itself I'm not entirely sure. Given this new development we felt it best to prepare the paragoyle for any further confrontations.
Regretfully there was no blood. Alot.. and I mean ALOT of humping.
Face humping
Ass humping
leg humping..
The paragoyle came out on top.
His armor quickly dissolved into a space outfit. then a really shiny toga.
As this happened, we decided to drink profusely.
We also happen to have alot of this action on video film for you lucky kids.
Brad is editing it as we speak so definitely look for that on the video page that will eventually be up when we have video to post on it.
Anyway, after about 4 beer bongs each Jamie and Kirk decided to include the rest of us. Or that is, we wrangled the bongs from they're shaky hands. This just meant that the whole lot got smashed. Strangely enough no one stepped on the mop. Jamie sustained injuries to her head and other parts. not sure which. Jimmy threw me to the floor and in turn was thrown down by dan. and im boring myself now. so yeah. it was the usual random drunken night. only it somehow involved the police, an alleged threesome, and a random band who shall remain unnamed until we say Every Bridge Burned. Oh.. and baby Heather got punched in the face.
typical shit.
On a more interesting note, miss Andrea Marie of Boston, MA came to our home, as many know, without experiencing the joy and beauty that is hot, steamed, onion meat sliding down your throat.

and, as you can probably guess, Andrea Marie will never eat from the castle again.
I myself felt a little bit of a tinge after 10 sliders and some fries.
Face humping
Ass humping
leg humping..
The paragoyle came out on top.
His armor quickly dissolved into a space outfit. then a really shiny toga.
As this happened, we decided to drink profusely.
We also happen to have alot of this action on video film for you lucky kids.
Brad is editing it as we speak so definitely look for that on the video page that will eventually be up when we have video to post on it.
Anyway, after about 4 beer bongs each Jamie and Kirk decided to include the rest of us. Or that is, we wrangled the bongs from they're shaky hands. This just meant that the whole lot got smashed. Strangely enough no one stepped on the mop. Jamie sustained injuries to her head and other parts. not sure which. Jimmy threw me to the floor and in turn was thrown down by dan. and im boring myself now. so yeah. it was the usual random drunken night. only it somehow involved the police, an alleged threesome, and a random band who shall remain unnamed until we say Every Bridge Burned. Oh.. and baby Heather got punched in the face.
typical shit.
On a more interesting note, miss Andrea Marie of Boston, MA came to our home, as many know, without experiencing the joy and beauty that is hot, steamed, onion meat sliding down your throat.
So we got a crave case.
and, as you can probably guess, Andrea Marie will never eat from the castle again.
I myself felt a little bit of a tinge after 10 sliders and some fries.
Brutal + Delicious + Beer = Leaky Asshole
ok i'm done with this.
1 comment:
RIP Otis.
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